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Tell Me A Story

by Lisa Suhay

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About Book

The Observer, July 13-19, 2000
an example of storytelling at its finest . . . as entertaining as it is instructive.

Arthur R. Barron, Chairman, Time Warner International -retired
"I would call it the world's most ubiquitous book. It is a book adults can share with children or children can share with adults. All you need is 30 minutes to cover a couple of fables. You can draw any conclusion or lesson from each story and be correct. The reader can come away with any moral they believe fits what they have read and no one can say they missed the point. The fables can be read for pure enjoyment or used as a teaching tool."(Arthur R. Barron, Chairman, Time Warner International (Retired))

Jim Manis, Professor of English, Penn State University
"Lisa Suhay's Tell Me A Story is destined to inspire imitators. Is there any higher praise for a writer? While fabulation became a popular genre in the Sixties and Seventies as readers discovered Jorge Borges and others working in it, no one has tried to do exactly what Suhay has done: to write allegories that will appeal equally to children and adults.

Suhay has discovered the right approach, tell a delightful story without providing an easy answer. Let the reader determine that. Suhay is never condescending, and her language is smooth and filled with the delight of a practiced storyteller. Readers need not be college professors to enjoy this book, but college professors will wonder why more of our contemporary writers are not writing the same sort of thing."

CBA Marketplace, April 2000
Suhay, a journalist for publications such as The New York Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer, used animal characters to explain real-life situations to her two preschool sons. Convinced that adults also would enjoy a respite from a world demanding immediate answers, Suhay crafted this series of modern fables where love, honesty, friendship and faith triumph. [..]

CNN.com Reviews, July 18, 2000
The 'adultness' of Suhay's stories comes not in the subject matter of the lessons ... but in the knowingness...

Dr. Deepak Chopra, Author,
"Lisa Suhay teaches the great lessons of life with the elegance of simplicity and wisdom."

Gwendolyn Jones, Founder, The Garden State Storytellers' League
"...a gem of a book whose lovely and lyrical words will linger long after the pages have been turned."

CNN-Interactive, July 18, 2000
"It is a book to keep two copies of--one to keep in reach and another to give away..."

Story Art, July-Sept. 2000
...a gem ... whose lovely and lyrical words will linger as images and 'life-lines' long after the pages have been turned.

Lisa Suhay, author, quoted in S.J. Magazine, January 2002
...storytelling is a tool for healing yourself and your children in times of crisis, sorrow and for everyday issues.

Book Description
In this audiocassette Lisa and Deepak, not only discuss the power of storytelling in our lives, but relate amazing tales they themselves have experienced.

From the Inside Flap
"From the quixotic endeavors of a benevolent dolphin, to the change of heart of a greedy magpie, to the neighborly support of a twisted tree, your own excursions through these pages can help you keep alive the truths that kindness still begets kindness, that helping another with a problem can diminish our own, and that whoever truly wants to can see the crane's home in the sky."

From the Foreword by Warren Kramer Editor, "Daily Wisdom Online Devotional"

About the Author
Over the past 12 years, Lisa Suhay's newspaper work has run an eclectic gambit, from covering war in the Middle East to living aboard a sailboat in Southwest Florida with her husband and children. Lisa's news and feature coverage appear in the New York Times, and her columns run in the Philadelphia Inquirer and Family Circle magazine. She resides in Medford, New Jersey, with her husband and three children.



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