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Counting to Tar Beach

by Faith Ringgold

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From Parents' Choice®
This companion to Cassie's Colorful Day is just as successful. Parents will enjoy sharing this concept book with young readers. The elements used come from a warm loving family that children will find familiar. Beautifully designed, these two books introduce some of the best in picture book art to young readers. A 2000 Parents' Choice® Recommended winner.

Reviewed by Deborah Taylor, Parents' Choice® 2000

Book Description
Count all the good things from one to ten that Cassie and her family take to the rooftop for their scrumptious picnic on Tar Beach. Lemonade, chickens, watermelons, and chocolate chip cookies are just some of the things they're going to enjoy. Toddlers will love learning to count with this delicious introduction to numbers.

Card catalog description
Cassie counts all the good things that will be part of a special picnic that she and her family and neighbors share on their rooftop Tar Beach.

Inside Flap Copy
Count all the good things from one to ten that Cassie and her family take to the rooftop for their scrumptious picnic on Tar Beach. Lemonade, chickens, watermelons, and chocolate chip cookies are just some of the things they're going to enjoy. Toddlers will love learning to count with this delicious introduction to numbers.

About the Author
Faith Ringgold was born in Harlem in 1930. She received a degree in art education from the City College of New York and was an art teacher long before she became a professional artist. She is best known for her "painted story quilts," some of which hang in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Tar Beach, RinggoldÕs first book for children, won the Coretta Scott King Award for illustration and was named a Caldecott Honor Book. Ringgold is now a professor of art at the University of California at San Diego. She lives in California and in New Jersey.



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